
From one hand to another

Chimera & Siren



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
12-19-2020, 07:46 AM
Siren couldn’t deny her enjoyment in being in Chimera’s presence. He had changed towards her so completely, she knew she was safe from all harm when she was with him. She was where she belonged. Even better was their goal for today. Somehow she’d gotten in her head she wanted a servant, someone to help her with her apothecary and to watch over her during visions. She was eager for the end result, but having to come all the way here in this dingy place was less than appealing.

As she grew her standards of living did as well, her days of living as a sand child were long gone. She’d embraced her title of Princess of Nowhere. If there was one thing she was sure of it was how beneath her a place like this was. Siren was turning into quite the delicate young lady, and now her long fur stayed brushed and laid in perfection, it was no surprise when one of the slavers took quite an eye to her. He was younger, likely in training to begin with but Siren cocked her head and wore an amused smirk as he quickly backed off from her brother’s warning. She winked darkly before the two of them were led deeper.

She wasn’t confident in their hosts, but she was excited to see their wares. She tried to ignore the auras that sparkled and flared around the slavers, but when they finally rounded the corner to their girl Siren gasped in slight surprise. Immediately she knew this was the right one.

The young woman was down trodden, her brokenness obvious, but surrounding her was a brilliant golden aura. The majority of Kleins had some kind of royal color to their aura, but a slave holding such a one made Siren sure of their choice. ”At least call her a girl, Chimera.” She brushed against his shoulder teasingly, but Siren was already smitten. The dainty princess approached slowly, head slightly tilted as she looked the pretty slave over. She would have honestly prefered a woman of pure coat, but the patches would quickly become endearing. Maybe she got a little too close, but the girl would have to get used to her presence anyway. ”Yes. I want this one.” She said determinedly, blissfully unaware at how easily the situation might have been reversed. Had she not had Chimera the possibilities were endless in where she might end up.