
To be a proper Knight




Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
12-19-2020, 02:27 PM

Outlaw was no fighter for hard training to fight nor an amazing hunter to worry about being in perfect shape for chasing down deer or other large prey.  Outlaw was pretty good at catching fish, crustaceans, and opportunistic in other areas of food.  Injured animals were mercifully killed and ate when found, berries or fruits on the tree's made for tasty snacks.  So it was he wasn't as active as some of the wolves but that wasn't to say he didn't help in his own ways.  Outlaw worked on learning how to heal, enjoyed crafting things, doing odd jobs but, his favorite 'job' was watching the pups.  

It wasn't even really work to him, being with the kids was fun.  So it was he had learned the habits of a few of them.   While attempting to crumble up some roots to put in a clay bowl he would watch Artorias going up and down the falls one day.  A second day he saw the same thing.  Of course, he had seen how the boy loved his sticks to act as swords and how he would have to carry them in his mouth.  Outlaw loved the falls as a relaxing spot, watching the water and some of the wildlife that stopped by to visit was a great way to spend an hour.  The repetition of Art's hard work becoming quite obvious.  Outlaw had no interest in fighting but this pup was certainly working hard to become a good one someday.  Outlaw felt inspired to assist.

So it was Outlaw was not at his relaxing spot for several days.  The task he had set for himself was not a quick one, but it would be satisfying.  Considerable time was taken in the forest to find the perfect block of wood.  Then a good large rock with a sharp edge to start chipping away at the wood to provide its shape.  Some areas would need to be chewed on for parts that did not easily want to shape the way he wished, then once again filed on the rock.  Outlaw wasn't aiming for fast but perfection so he spent a few days of trial and error and getting every spot just as he wanted it.  Then time was taken to find a tree that would leak out a dark resin to add a sheen to the wood and help protect it.  Leather was wrapped around the grip with strips of leather used to form a hanging loop that would fit easily in a wolf's mouth to hold.  There.  A wooden sword was formed.

A sword that had to be put down and picked up all the time seemed a hindrance so then Outlaw went to work on something to place it in.  Outlaw used primarily leather but then braided vines in some areas that could be tighter or looser to adjust the size so as Art grew he needed to only adjust the vines to change the size.  When the pup was full-grown they could replace the vines easily to make it all leather but why do that now when the pup would just keep growing?  The harness had a sheath attached where chest and back straps connected that the wooden sword could be slid in and out of.  The crossguard of the sword would keep it from falling in farther than desired.

Outlaw got to the falls early enough to beat Art there once completed, hid the sword and harness under a gentle pool in the water, and lay there, one paw crossed over the other as he waited for Art to make his normal path, ready to greet and stop the pup as he would go by.

Speech:"Life is but a game " Think
Unless noted you can assume Outlaw is wearing his hat.  
It's also likely there is a seagull somewhere nearby