
If You're Gonna Do It, Do It Right.



High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-19-2020, 11:07 PM
Walk | "Talk" | think

Excellent.  Rudy’s mind was more often than not focused on wanting to learn and hunting was up high on that list.  It was one of the first things he would learn to master and the byproduct skills that came along with it.  Up till now learning to hunt had been a mixture of having Resin instruct him and working on his skills later on his own.  A new teacher offered a new way of hearing things and perhaps they had their individual swing on tactics or teaching.

Rudy had also taken it upon himself to help Tika gain her confidence so when he had noticed her uncertainty on going he had simply told her to cheerfully to follow him to the lesson.  It had worked, and Rudy had the feeling if he didn’t understand her past he was starting to understand how to maneuver her in the present so that at some point she would learn how to fit into the picture he had created of how the pack should look.  In his picture, she was a happy cheery pup that played without fear, and that was therefore what she had to become.

He lead Tika down with a confidence that was both his normal attitude and now also to make sure his confidence proved to Tika this was the right thing to do.  He approached and looked up at the wolf he had not spent any time with yet.  He hadn’t even had a chance to spy on this wolf and knew little of her.  That was a flaw on his part.  Rudy made a note to himself he needed to find more time in the day to work on his spying as well.  There was so little time in the day!! Rudy always had more he wanted to do but in the end, he’d end up falling asleep no matter how hard he tried to do more.

Spotting his sister he cast her a cheery grin, “Hi Daph! How’s it goin?” He loved all in his family, but he assumed they knew it and just got so busy with his plans he found himself spending little time with them.  “Hi Jane,” He offered cheerily to the pup.  He hadn’t really spent time with her yet either, but he had easily overheard her name.  She seemed to be the type super excited about making friends so he would give her that.  His eyes then turned up to soak in this wolf who would be teaching them.  He gave the wolf his best charismatic puppy smile and greeting, “Hi, I’m Rudy. Nice to meetcha.”