
Flower-Treasure Hunting!




Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
12-20-2020, 12:25 AM

Outlaw was going to do some work and as a bonus, he got to take one of the pups with him!  He hadn’t really spent any time with Emile until today so this should be an excellent outing.  They were on the hunt today for some rare herbs for Outlaw to use for making medicine.  Ok well to try and make medicine with.  The young dog was a healer now and he was starting to learn some of the basics but his skills were still pretty novice.  

Outlaw’s only experience with winter was on the forgotten Island as a pup and he expected the weather would be different here without the ocean surrounding them.  He understood a lot of the plants would be dying off so it was time to collect and store up.  Today they would be going after alder buckthorn and trillium.  The grey and black dog was hoping especially for the trillium as it seemed the one to be used the most but that didn’t mean the other wasn’t important.

Looking down at the pup Outlaw imagined there would come a day he looked up to the boy instead as most of the wolves seemed to grow taller than him.  “So, I’m hoping we can find trillium and alder buckthorn.  Do you know what those are?”   Might as well try to help educate while they hunted for the plants, right?

The mangrove was an interesting place and had been the first bit of land he had explored when he arrived from his trek across the ocean.  All the waterways made a large portion of the ground soft and squishy on his paws though there were patches of dry ground.  The plants surely wouldn’t be under the water, right?  His focus would be on the dry ground, areas around the tree’s and maybe some of the mushy areas near the dry ground as maybe the plant could hide under a little water?  There was so much to learn!  For now, the most important part though was collecting the ingredients as time wouldn’t wait for him to learn first then pluck later.

WC: 353

Speech:"Life is but a game " Think
Unless noted you can assume Outlaw is wearing his hat.  
It's also likely there is a seagull somewhere nearby