

Howl 1


09-10-2013, 01:11 AM

Slowly, the form would seem to reluctantly move from her position. His greeting had been more of a question instilled with curiosity, giving the stranger a chance to either respond or ignore him. If ignored, he would have continued on his way. But she decided to respond, and as she turned and did so he could tell her response was inlaid with irritation. Did she not want to be bothered? "Hello, yourself." One ear would cock to the side, his emotions would begin to slowly ebb into a controllable pool within himself. Her deep purple pools would flow from a flicker of irritation to a less harsher one then her tone had intended. He wondered if he was bothering her, or maybe she was having a bad day just like him? Either way, maybe they'd be able to talk...even if for a little. And if she didn't want to, then he wouldn't stop her request to leave his presence. Unless of course, she decided to just walk away.

The brute would take a deep breath before responding. Unsure whether or not this female was irritable or if that's just the way she was. Either way, he would tread carefully...or maybe the two would end up in a friendly spar to vent frustrations. The possibilities were endless in this random meeting of the night."Pardon the name's Howl. Sorry if I interrupted you...I'll go if you'd like. Unless you don't mind having a bit of company for a few minutes." He took a step back, preparing himself to continue on his way if she desired for him to leave. Either way, he would have to come back this way to return to his siblings...or maybe stay on the other side of the beach away from the woman till he vented off enough steam, or risk sharp tonguing his sister Song upon arrival.
