
Drop on by

Howl 1


09-10-2013, 02:27 AM

Everything seemed to be happening so fast. Rushing in to find Anthem with Symphony confronting Song and their younger sister Novella. He heard the questioning tones of Novella, heard the poor greeting from Song before that and now he heard the sorrowed voice of Anthem telling Symphony not to worry. His snarling would decrease with the simple touch of his sister. Snapping him out of his former angered self. With a gasp, he realized that he must've just scared the hell out of Anthem. Howl had always done his best to remain calm around his brother to avoid upsetting him. After all, Anthem didn't understand why Howl reacted in such a way. He turned briefly to look at Symphony as she spoke. His gaze then returning to Novella with a hardened glare. He somehow knew that Novella had left without telling their mother. He would speak to her later, just like Symphony said.

The lick upon his cheek was all he needed to stir his gaze away from the pair standing in front of him, leaving Symphony to step forward and speak to Song. It was true what she said. They hadn't healed from her departure, and the scars from the burden of neglect the two carried still remained. Anthem would have no feeling or recollection of that. Sometimes he wished he could be like his brother...not have to worry about the burdens or fear the world. Not have to deal with anger or the burden of feeling mad towards someone. Tearing his stance away from the place he seemed to be glued to, he would allow his fur to lie flat as he made his way to Anthem. He nuzzled his brother, licking his muzzle in apology. "Sorry Anthem, everything will be alright. We're all here now."

He kept his back turned on the trio behind him. Not wanting to really look at Song, and slightly still furious with Novella that she was here. He would only turn his head for a moment to listen to the rest of his sisters words. Then finally he would turn his whole body to stand at Anthems side, his body pressed against his brothers. He did this to comfort himself more then for his brothers sake, knowing that if Anthem weren't here. Then Howl would all but rage at Song. He wouldn't do that in front of his brother, or his younger sister for that matter...he would simply remain quiet and ignore the fact that she existed for the time being. In his mind, Song didn't deserve to be forgiven...not until she proved to him that she deserved it.
