


09-10-2013, 11:36 AM

He had grown accustomed to rising early, going out on a quick sweep of the landscape (which usually took a while given his thoroughness) and then returning to his den to waken the children and his wife, and sometimes offer them food. This morning he brought nothing with him, for in his travels he came across only a single rabbit which quickly evaded him. He knew that Epiphron wouldn't mind his empty paws, so long as he spent a little time with his family when he could. A smile crinkled on his face as he neared the den, wondering idly which pups would be awake and ready to greet the day. Amalia and Arian, certainly, and possibly Quintus. It was likely that Cassius would be snuggled up against his mother, though he would quickly rise when beckoned. However, he noted with interest that Epiphron was already outside of the den, which meant the children were probably out exploring. How marvelous, time alone with his wife!

Quickly he brought himself to her side, lovingly swiping kiss after kiss upon her crown. "Enjoying a quiet morning?" he would croon in her ear. His paws folded beneath him, allowing his bodice to relax upon the earth next to his wife, head craned toward her with a dash of excitement in his eyes. It had been ages since he'd had a solitary conversation with Epiphron, and he did not intend on missing this opportunity. Idly his mind wandered to where the children might be, worrying that they would get into trouble - paternal things like that. These thoughts almost always clouded his mind now, try as he may to shun them from his skull. It seemed he would be a perpetual worrier now, though he supposed he'd get used to it after some time.
