


09-10-2013, 12:47 PM

It was a slow process, getting back up, mostly because she didn't want to topple over at his slightest movement. She took her time, allowing her back limbs to stretch out so that the blood could flow adequately, all the while preparing her front limbs to rise off of the ground once she felt she was stable. It seemed he wouldn't hesitate at all, which she was proud of, as he decided it best to move forward. But surprisingly, and much to her pleasure, he would shift his stature so that his left shoulder would meet her own, apparently hoping to push her back or at least down. She knew what was coming next, it was no surprise as his paw swiped at her hind limb, but fortunately with her weight still distributed on her powerful hips, it did little damage except to tip her slightly to the right. Her tail also swept right to keep her balance if he continued his assault, whilst her jaws extended down his left side (her right) and sought a sensitive target where his flank met his hip bone. (here, where it points to the flank) If her jaws met their mark, and she sincerely hoped that they would, they would close down just enough to leave shallow puncture wounds - after all, she certainly didn't want to impair her own nephew. She hoped that he would think she was more focused on keeping her balance than launching assaults, but there really was no telling what he was expecting from her. She wanted to push him, to make him realize that while he had trained and trained, there was always something new to learn. She wanted him to remember this battle, and any more that would come after. She wanted him to remember her.
