
Chick Chat



09-10-2013, 12:58 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

A confused, puzzled frown set upon Ashtoreth's face as Meili attempted to counter what she had said, admitting for the first time that she too may have been under similar circumstances as the Lead Hunter. It was not so much a surprise that the other she-wolf should be troubled by roughly the same thing as her - she had just as much right to relationship troubles as anyone - but it felt like no time at all that she had been part of their pack. Was this a long going issue? Did it just spring up overnight? And, more importantly, who was it?

For the time being, the thoughts that had buzzed throughout her head were silenced and replaced by ones of question regarding the puzzling problems Meili found herself in, the grey hunter falling into the role of patient listener while the other she-wolf went on about the wolf she spoke of crushing on. A big family. Present parents. And young. That was an unexpected admission. Briefly it caused her to wonder just how old Leon was but that was not a thought that would help her now. She needed to stay away from those thoughts for a while yet.

"Wow," she responded, letting her surprise take away her ability to respond with a moment of thoughtful silence. "That's...quite an age gap," Ash finally stated, casting a glance at the other female while she continued to stare at her paws nervously. No wonder she had been so willing to open up to Meili. They were very much of similar minds, and problems it seemed. Was it too much to ask of fate for the both of them to be happy? "He knows, right?" she asked suddenly, picking up on a pretty big difference in both of their stories. Leon was clueless to her feelings, at least to her knowledge. "That you like him?" she added after a pause, just for clarification.