
Flower-Treasure Hunting!




Advanced Intellectual (60)

Advanced Healer (60)

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Pride - PansexualPride - Demisexual
12-20-2020, 10:52 PM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2020, 10:57 PM by Emile.)

Emile was excited to get to spend time with the dog Outlaw, he always loved a chance to make a new friend and being allowed to leave the pack lands with the man meant getting to see even more of the world than he already had... the world was so big! He had a basic understanding of what it was they were going to do today, they were gathering more plants, the way his mother did sometimes... he hadn't had much chance to ask her about it yet and so he was excited that he was going to get to help Outlaw. He trotted after the dog, sometimes having to pick up his pace to keep up with the man's longer strides.

Finally they stopped, not too far from the pack but to the young boy it felt like half a world away. Outlaw looked down at him and he asked if Emile knew what it was they were looking for. Emile assumed they were plants but didn't know anything of what they looked like. He shook his head, looking up wide eyed at the young man.

Emile had heard the adults talking about winter and the coming expected changes, and of course the boy had no understanding of what any of this meant. He would face his first winter soon, in the coming weeks but as far as his naïve mind was concerned it was a super important time of year, a time that meant all the adults had to talk about it and to prepare, so while he didn't yet know what it meant he knew at the very least that trying to collect these plants was going to be very important, which helped Emile himself to feel important, being on such an important mission.

WC: 297 (650/2500)


Art by Kolokolchek