
Drop on by



10 Years
09-10-2013, 01:06 PM

.ooc. her lolaf go ahead and post with Canta
Novel's cute little porcelain paws would expertly find their way over the many root systems of the mangroves. Technically she had not been born in the lands of Ludicael but they were all she could remember. Which meant after exploring her way through the place she had a pretty good idea on how to get around. It didn't help that the little she wolf was growing like a weed. She felt so big now, but she could still see that there were many more inches to attain before she was fully grown. Little did she know that she would end up being the smallest of the litter.
She barely registered that Canta was behind her, the younger pup had been more reluctant to follow than expected. Where Novel was curious and adventurous, her adored younger sibling was not. Novel was happy she was able to convince her to follow, because what she found was the most beautiful sight. Her mother.
A smile grew wide on the child's face as her light oceanic eyes fell upon the very sad face of her mother. Novel's tail would go from wagging excitedly to stopping all together. Why does mommy look so sad? She questioned internally as she looked around to the other wolves. It didn't seem as though anyone looked as happy as she thought they should. Were these really her aunts and uncles? Wouldn't they be happy to see their sister? Novel knew she was excited when she hadn't seen her siblings in a good amount of time.
Novel wasted no time in charging up toward her mother, such a sad expression did not belong on the she wolf's face. An encouraging snuggle would be provided as she whined, very much concerned. "It's okay mommy, don't look sad! They're nice!" She looked from Song to her sister curiously, only vaguely registering that there was yet another she wolf in the clearing.


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