
Flower-Treasure Hunting!




Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
12-20-2020, 11:21 PM

“Ok, no problem!”  Outlaw was ever the cheery fellow.  “So we need two things and both are super rare!”   It was great they were rare right?  Rare meant it would be more difficult and thus just like treasure hunting again.  Outlaw hadn’t realized the fun healer’s got to have with having to find all the right herbs and plants.  The dog was sure glad he had met Meadow to try and learn from her.  Too bad she was gone now.

“So, the first one is called Alder Buckthhorn.”  He bet that was a mouthful to the pup, it had taken Outlaw time to try and remember that name. “Now it's actually like a miniature tree or shrub thing.”   So far it was a great explanation, “Um, so it's not like a flower basically.  Its leaves are pretty wide and it has red berries on it.  I haven’t seen one before but I’m guessing it’s more on the shrubbery bushy side than tree cause how can a tree be hard to find, right?”   If anyone questioned Outlaw’s information this was certainly helping to prove he was a novice.  “The key thing is it has red berries on it.  It’s actually the brown bark that’s important though.”

“The other one is trillium. It’s got little white flowers and big wide green leaves.”  Hopefully, this place didn’t have multiple white flowers with big leaves of different types.  So far he hadn’t seen a single white flower so it might not be a problem.  When wading in the water he felt a bit more of a chill to it than he had expected.  The water at the hot springs was kept warm so nicely he had forgotten fall would be adding a small bite of cold to water elsewhere.  It wasn’t winter cold though and he still wasn’t sure how bad winter got here.

“This will be your first winter.  That’s pretty exciting.”  Outlaw lowered his head to peer under the roots of a tree, tilting his head this way and that for a better look before pulling it out.  “Nope, no trillium there.”   What were the odds of them being hidden by other plants after all, or tree’s?  Outlaw planned to look everywhere!  “I never spent a winter on this land.”  Outlaw loved to talk, and with a pup following him on a treasure hunt it seemed a great time for it. “I was born on the forgotten island.  Great place, but it's surrounded all around by the ocean and I’m not sure how winter there compares to winter here.  It will be kinda new for both of us.”

“Why don’t you check out that dry area where the two trees are practically hugging each other?”  Outlaw headed towards another semi-dry patch near it. “I’m gonna look here, don’t worry though.  I’m pretty good at keeping an eye out in more than one spot.”  Outlaw just loved puppy friends.

WC 485 (1135/2500)

Speech:"Life is but a game " Think

Unless noted you can assume Outlaw is wearing his hat.  
It's also likely there is a seagull somewhere nearby