
as we collide



09-10-2013, 01:37 PM

With a cheap shot her King would fall, but Argent would not let herself linger. With Isardis currently out of commission, she was now in charge of Glaciem, and this situation was most dire. She would pay no mind to the uproar of the commoners, instead listening to the russet-kissed alpha. For a moment she considered heeding the advice; she was only just barely with child, enough to show but not enough to hinder her movements, but she didn?t want to risk losing her children. And yet, she couldn?t help think of him. ?Taurig, as your Duchess, I hereby promote you to Overseer. It?s been a long time coming,? Argent informed Isardis?s son. She was still uncertain if she would go through with the challenge, but at the very least she wasn?t leaving Taurig without a way to defend himself. ?Eris, take care of Isardis. Vixe, help her carry him away,?she ordered. Even still, she looked somewhat reluctant. Argent knew she could always become pregnant again, but it was a pain she didn?t necessarily want to face if she didn?t have to. The indecision was obvious on her face for a moment, and then her mouth parted, words beginning to spew forth.
?I do believe I-,? she didn?t get a chance to finish her words, her potential withdrawal, before the impatient shit was coming charging for her. Argent had never dropped her defenses; legs were spread, weight evenly distributed across four limbs, legs bent, center of gravity lowered, toes slightly spread out, tail tucked, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, head lowered to align with her spine, chin tucked, neck scrunched, jaws parted, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back. To her, his warning wasn?t apparent. Nothing about him announced to her that he was going for abortion, for he neither spoke of it nor tried to go to her rear. She was of course defensive of her womb, a natural response. To her, it seemed Chrysanthe had tried to make her seem weak by getting her to step down, and then sending someone to attack her anyways. It enraged her, made her want blood, and Argent in that moment decided she might as well go for Chrysanthe?s balls (no, not that the woman actually had them, but Argent merely saw the foolish man as a toy for the white wench, and to castrate him would be to damage Chrysanthe?s property). Even if this wasn?t part of a master plan, it would make this man a disobedient secondary alpha, and Argent would simply be doing the dove-colored woman a favor by making him a bitch. Nothing about her announced this intent, of course, just like nothing about Gideon announced his, but it was what was at stake.
Gideon was three inches taller than her, and he had a bit more bulk to him, but none of this deterred the just slightly pregnant woman. She was still capable of battle, and she was capable of keeping him from her own rear. Of course, she had no actual way of knowing his intent, but it was natural for a pregnant woman to be defensive of her womb. Actually, at least part of her felt that it needed to be defended, for even though she was still technically fighting for Gideon, he had attacked her first without asking if she wanted to back down or hearing what she had to say. Clearly he meant her harm.
As her defenses had been already in place and her realizations and decisions had been made in half a moment, Argent was left with plenty of time to rush forwards and greet her opponent. Strong limbs hauled her forwards at almost a spring, moving to her own left during her rush so that she wasn?t charging quite so head on. Instead, she wanted to put her right shoulder just to the side of his right shoulder, hoping to slam his far right chest with the bony protrusion and the force of her forward momentum (considerable, given how hard she?d been running). Just before this her own right paw had lifted, weight redistributing amongst the remaining three limbs, seeking to slam down upon Gideon?s front right paw at hopefully the same time her shoulder hoped to hit, hoping to crush the toe bones (for toe bones were easily breakable things). This movement in positions caused a number of shifts in Gideon?s attacks; first of all, his left shoulder met air, not a body in front of it thanks to the fact that Argent had shifted to her own left (Gideon?s right), thus allowing Argent to dodge all damage from his left shoulder. His left paw would meet air for a similar reason, given that her right limb was no longer in front of it or in an easy range for the paw to manage to hit.
Gideon?s jaws did manage to do better; they didn?t bite into their intended target, but they did sink into the outside part of her right shoulder (OOC:what?s labeled shoulder in this diagram as ?shoulder?), managing to obtain a grip, missing her left for it had moved out of his range much like Argent?s leg and chest had, making Argent hiss but not giving her much pause thanks to the relief of adrenaline. Right now she had four deep punctures in the fleshy part of her shoulder, but not much other damage to the area. She didn?t pause, however. Instead her head turned to her own right, jaws hoping to snap for her opponent?s neck. Gideon had neglected to raise his hackles or scrunch his neck (OOC: utilizing the rule about defenses needing to be in each post. Because these weren?t listed in Gideon?s post, I am assuming he wasn?t doing them), leaving his neck exposed. Her jaws lunged forwards, seeking to bite around the bone, able to do so for if his head lowered enough to bite into her shoulder, he?d certainly exposed the area to her. It meant his head would be lower than hers, and his neck bones exposed.
Her jaws angled to adjust for what she was attempting, turning downwards to help protect her chin and twisting to further allow the grip she sought on his neck bone, aiming for about midway along the neck. She wanted to apply a crushing pressure with her jaws, hoping to obtain a grip, for even if he had a grip upon her shoulder, an exposed neck was a greater issue. Argent could live with torn muscles in her shoulder; Gideon couldn?t live with a broken neck.

DEFENSES: legs were spread, weight evenly distributed across four limbs, legs bent, center of gravity lowered, toes slightly spread out, tail tucked, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, head lowered to align with her spine, chin tucked, neck scrunched, jaws parted, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back.
INJURIES: four deep punctures/grip on her right shoulder
ATTACKS: seeking to slam her right shoulder into gideon?s far right chest, hoping to break gideon?s toes by slamming her right paw down on them, jaws hoping to grip onto gideon?s neck bones and break them