
Remember the Name



09-10-2013, 01:44 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Why? Why what? Mercianne almost muttered aloud, a little spike of worry surging within her at the cryptic response. What exactly did he mean by that? Why she smelled the way she did? Why she acted skittish and perhaps a little jumpy? Why she would not readily open up and accept him? And what did he make of the news? How did it make him view her now that he knew for certain of her pups? Many more questions than answers flooded her mind, too many of them actively vying for attention for her to even remotely attempt to answer or speak. Her dark brown eyes merely stared his way to watch the slow, gentle smile that spread quietly across his muzzle, entering his green eyes and filling them with a soothing light. It had been difficult enough try to learn how to stand on her own four feet when it had only been her she was taking care of, back when she had first joined the Snow Rogues as a Glaciem, and for a while she had thought those feelings conquered. But now all the nervous anxiety seemed to return tenfold; a part of her wished very much to trust the sweet expressions given by the brown male but there was resistance, denial. All her progress seemed to have reversed.

As Knight rose to his paws, the skittish white female made a slightly jittery motion in place, something akin to a shiver, as her anxieties urged her to step back while her rationale tried to layer on reassurances that everything was fine. Accompanied with the movement was a repeat of his offer to assist her in catching game, to hurry her hunt along so that she could return to her pups and family faster with his help. He was already turning, a glance given her way as if to question whether she would follow, and lowering her head slightly as was typical of her she did. Her smaller paws followed beside his, walking to the side and just behind his lead. Trying not to let herself consider the dangers of what she was doing - though something in her remarked that the dangers were merely cautionary and not imminent - she set herself about scenting the air as she walked, her steps quiet while she drew in little testing breaths to figure out if something might have been close or if they would need to travel further.

Her head turned rather suddenly toward Knight when he addressed her again, asking with a few hesitant pauses if she would tell him a little about her pups. She did not answer right away, taking a moment to process the news he had added on about being somewhat of a pupsitter himself back where he was from. He certainly had the gentle nature for it. It had worked on her, at least so far as in making it a little easier for her to speak with him. Her dark brown eyes drifted away as she thought about those cute little bundles of fur lying nestled inside their den, sending up a little prayer that they were all still well and comfortable while she was away. "Well, there's only one girl. Her name is Kestrel," she began, smiling a little as she began mentioning them. "Then there's Emery. Sage. Clover. And the twins. Crow and Cloud." Curiously her eyes roamed back over to Knight to watch his reaction, finally stating aloud what it had been to pique her interest in him when he had introduced himself. Cloud. What a coincidence.