
The old boys hold all the cards

Fel aka pretty lady


12-21-2020, 02:31 PM

The autumn air was crisp and chilly as they got closer and closer to turning the corner into winter, but the sun-bathed rock she was laying on was keeping her plenty warm. It was the middle of the day and the sun was pretty much directly above her so there was no shadows over her to cause any sort of coldness that might invade her otherwise lovely resting place. It had made for a good crafting spot so far and she was making good progress on something that she honestly should have made for herself ages ago.

She wasn't sure why she had put off making a bag of some kind to carry her herbs and supplies in for so long, but she had a hunch that it was the pestering need to shut away all remnants of her up bringing out of fear that she might grow old and boring like the maids that had raised her. Of course her healing skills came in handy from time to time - especially when traveling with someone like Azriel that tended to get himself in a good amount of fights - but it was easier to just use that knowledge as needed rather than give into the fact that she couldn't escape this part of herself.

There was a round piece of leather stretched out in front of her that she had been methodically poking evenly spaced holes around the outside edge with a sharp bit of metal she had scavenged during one of her explorations. She had managed to stick one end of the metal into a piece of wood so at least it was easier to hold and she wouldn't risk cutting herself in the process. So far it was going well, but the process was slow moving and she couldn't just let herself half-ass the project just to get it done.

Once all the holes were in place, she sat down her make shift tool with a sigh and rose to her paws so she could dip her front half toward the ground in a long, satisfying stretch. Her tail flagged over her back and she gave a soft, satisfied groan at the pleasant pull of her muscles. It had been a pretty quiet day thus far since Azriel had gone off to hunt and scout or whatever it was he did during the day and as productive as this task of hers was it was getting awfully boring being on her own.
