
Looking like a high I wanna be on

Ares 1


09-10-2013, 02:14 PM

He would dive into her closeness, the warmth of her chest blossoming over his skin. He wouldn't make any motion as she let herself rest upon his shoulders. The feeling of not wanting to exist was quite foreign to the pup, his reaction had been rather appropriate though. Now, he could feel the numb parts start to ebb away, their cold grasp still help him confined however. Devya's warmth would battle the icy claws as the oceanic wind passed over their small forms. He could hear the beating of her heart with the proximity he now claimed, it was a sound he would find oddly soothing.
The affection was completely foreign, his experience with it lacking. Morphine kept her affections quite reserved, and Artemis would console him only occasionally. Codeine? He hardly spoke to the pup. Devya had gone father than any of them and Ares hadn't even considered her family. What was causing this bout of empathy? Could he even trust it, in the end it might just be a rotten trick. He wished not to believe that though.
A nudge would be given to the she wolf's chest, the most affection he would have delivered to any wolf. A nuzzle just for her, the only wolf he had seen true kindness come from. It was an odd emotion he would experience and one that would not cease the turmoil that collected within his mind and heart. He needed to find answers for anything, there were too many foreigns emotions and questions swimming about. Why are you doing this, Devya? He whispered into her fur, unsure if he could even hear the words himself. A pained emotion would have been heard in his words as defeat swallowed him.
