
Looking like a high I wanna be on


09-10-2013, 02:45 PM

A gentle nudge pulled her from her thoughts, turning her attention to the wolf laying beside her. Audits perked, trying to catch what he said, though it was muffled by her chest. Why. It was all she heard. For a moment she didn't answer. Why? She didn't have an answer for him. Carefully she mulled it over, trying to find the words, to give him the answer he so desperately needed.

She didn't know his upbringing, how he was raised. She had an idea, considering how they had been introduced. But aside from that she had no idea if his mother had showed kindness, affection or anything of the sort. Her mother had rarely been around after she was born, but her father was never far, always within earshot so all she had to do was call and he'd come to her rescue. But did Ares have that? She found it doubtful. Seraphim was hard to seek out nowadays.

A small shrug lifted her shoulders. "We all need someone to lean on sometimes." He was close enough that she could speak in soft tones and he would be able to hear. She had lifted her head to look at him, though his face remained buried in her chest. She waited for him to meet her gaze. She heard the pain in his voice and could only image the look in his lavender eyes.

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