
Spirit of Adventure



7 Years
09-10-2013, 03:14 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had taken her time wandering the shoreline of the island, still keeping to sandy parts rather than delve right into the dense-looking interior and whatever might be housed underneath the thick green canopy. It called to her, certainly, the shade inviting from the sunlight, but the cool marine breezes continued to take a majority of the heat from her and lessened her need to take shelter from it. The russet and black she-wolf traveled a ways down the shoreline before turning back, deciding in that moment to venture into the forest from a point she had located a distance back, a gap in the foliage she thought might serve to open up as a viable path to follow for as long as it held out.

It was as she wandered back across the beach and toward the point where the sandbar stretched from the mainland to the island that she first spotted the others. The sight of the pair made her stop in her tracks, surprised beyond anything to see another there although it made sense. Of all the islands, this was probably the easiest to reach with the sandbar providing a clear place to run to it rather than braving the waters and swim. Though even she considered herself a rather adept swimmer, ocean waters were not her forte. Neither of the wolves were immediately recognizable, one sporting a feminine build draped in grey fur and the other larger and muscular with darker shades than his companion. Unable to recall the last time she had chanced upon enjoyable company outside of the borders of her home lands, Tahlia decided not to be a stranger and see what they were up to on the island. They seemed rather friendly from a distance anyway.

A bark of greeting was issued from her muzzle as she proceeded to pad their way at a trot, tail granting a little wag as she moved. Dark golden eyes continued to pass between the pair as she drew her lips into a composed but personable smile, hurrying over to greet them. "Hello," she stated once she had neared them enough for them to hear her over the noises of the island, "I hope I am not intruding. I had thought I would not find any others here." Easing her steps into a halt, Tahlia stood before them with a polite expression, glancing between the male and female curiously.

But before she could be given a chance of formally introducing herself, as was custom, she spotted something beyond them, a strange figure rolling along with an incoming wave off the waters. She peered past them distractedly, the polite look about her face slowly morphing into one of growing concern. As impolite as it was to interrupt someone, regardless of whether they were newly acquainted or not, the Seracian wolf could not stop herself from bringing what she saw to the notice of her company as well. "Excuse me, but that..?" she questioned, still watching as what she had spotted rolled onto the shore and sat there sputtering and coughing up sea water and revealing itself to be a tussled up young wolf, still gangly with youth. "Oh," she breathed with surprise, taking two steps to the side to place herself within view of the youngster though she stood on the opposite side of Aeil and Dragon. "Are you alright?" she called out, noting how the youth seemed to be quite excited despite being unceremoniously dropped on the beach by the waters but concerned nonetheless. Likely somewhere there was a nervous mother wondering about the state of their pup and Tahlia could only imagine what she would think if she knew her child was chancing the ocean to visit an island alone.

OOC: Finally responded. >.<; Sorry for the wait!