


09-10-2013, 03:15 PM

Myrrh had to fight a genuine look of surprise from showing as the Male responded in such a polite manner, seeming more relaxed than he had before, She definitely hadn't expected her slight malice to be answered in such a way that dismissed her behavior as if he didn't care, or mind. To be answered in such a matter, than have an introduction put forth to her peaked her interest, especially since the male, Howl as he was known to her now, had gone as far as to offer Myrrh her solitude back. She narrowed her dark, yet luminous gaze slightly in response to him for a few moments. Myrrh would much like her solitude back, but at the same time she cursed herself for feeling she might miss Howl's company without having a little fun first.

Slowly, her lithe body lifted itself from the sand to face Howl in preparation of a response, she figured it more polite to answer facing him, until she noticed he was a bit farther back than she had at first noticed. He'd taken a minor step back, which she hadn't paid attention to until noting the small indent in the sand in front of him where his fore paw had previously rested. Was he afraid of her? Or just genuinely afraid of offending her? This simply wouldn't do. She can't have her entertainment afraid of her, so Myrrh decided on a much more bold move as an introduction. Placing one paw gently in front of the other, she gracefully strut the small distance between them across the now cool sand until she was, quite literally, face to face with Howl, their muzzles now slightly resembling an X at a side glance. She wore an almost stern expression, as if disapproving of how Howl had approached her.

"This simply wont do..." She breathed softly as she settled herself uncomfortably close to Howl, wondering how he would react to her placing herself before him. "I was enjoying a nice night alone.. But I suppose you aren't too much of a bother, but please, no need to be so formal. I'm Myrrh" Each word flowed from her lips in almost a teasing manner, as if knowing full well what she was trying to do, and loving it so far. Her name was relayed in a more insignificant manner, not expecting the male to make note of who she was anyways, so far she hadn't intended on remembering Howl. There wasn't anything spectacular about Myrhh, she mused silently to herself, so it was hard to imagine anyone taking any interest in her, which was perfectly fine with her, Myrrh embraced being alone. Shaking off her thoughts, a slight smirk played at her maw, unknown if it was even visible to the male from where she placed herself. She locked eyes with him intensely, as if staring ferociously through him, though the look in her eyes didn't hold any hostility, if anything there was a glint of humor, masked behind artificial seriousness. Myrrhs ears twitched almost eagerly on waiting for Howl's reaction, hopefully he would provide an amusing one, She hated being disappointed.
