
From one hand to another

Chimera & Siren



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
12-22-2020, 01:33 PM

Dalila gave the beautiful woman a glance when she told her not to thank her yet. The statement brought her attention back to the male that she could already tell was the more brash and violent of the two. Though she hadn't witnessed him doing any such thing just yet, she could tell from his stance and the air about him as well as how he looked at the slavers and the dismissive way he referred to her. It reminded her a bit of some of the royal guards that would patrol the cave she lived in with the others of her rank in her youngest days. She wasn't unfamiliar with such treatment, though it did cause her to watch him a little more closely than she would the smaller fae at her side. As they were led away from the caves, her ear flicked toward the two-toned brute when he spoke and though she did give a small glance over her shoulder, she wouldn't question the command and would instead stay at her new lady's side.

It wasn't until she heard the yelping and pained howls that echoed from the crypt they had just left that she would pause and look back the way they came with her ears turned to listen. Yes, she was certain that her first assessment of the male was correct which made her even more curious about the pairing of this violent man and this seemingly innocent female. She pulled her pale eyes away from the entrance of the crypt when the soft words of the woman beside her caught her attention. Somehow her asking for her name caught her off guard a bit and it brought a soft smile to her lips. Before she could answer, the monochrome male gave them the order to go and she fell in behind him without a second thought.

Leaning toward the kind woman, she replied softly, "Dalila," she replied simply, adding, "Though the first lady I served called me by my second name - Vista. Whichever you prefer, miss."
