
Twenty Questions

Fel ♡



3 Years
12-22-2020, 01:58 PM (This post was last modified: 12-22-2020, 01:58 PM by Fel.)

He cared. It was obvious that he cared simply by the fact that he didn't abandon her during her lowest moments. Why he should care was something that Fel didn't understand, but she also didn't try to understand it. It was good enough for her that he showed the effort and emotion. Sibyl had shown her affection and patience as well. She didn't deserve either of them, but gods, did she need them both.

Azriel called off his suggested spar and she noted the slight disappointment in his tones. Or was it irritation? Either way, he moved to sit beside her rather than stand across from her. All the while Fel didn't move. She remained still, impassive. The salty sea breeze ruffled her fur and she closed her eyes momentarily as the wind battered against her face as though it too was trying to snap her out of her current state. She just needed time. Time and patience. It wasn't much to ask, but it seemed that she needed to do some explaining.

After a time of sitting in silence, Azriel began to speak. The dark woman listened, still unmoving or even outwardly acknowledging his words, but she was indeed listening. His words proved what he thought of her coping skills. It also showed how he saw death and the aftermath of death. He thought that she gave up? She could understand why he would think that. It surely looked like she'd given up. Give up her place of living for the dead though? No. That wasn't her. Fel cherished each and every moment that she had on this plane so that she might walk into the next feeling fulfilled. The state that she was in now was her way of mourning. Until she worked through everything and came to terms with the large amounts of tragedy that she'd had to endure, eating, upkeep, everything else took a back seat.

When the man beside her began to share bits of his own past, Fel was more than a little surprised. He had lost someone. Of course he had. They all experienced loss sooner or later. It was the fact that he was sharing that was the surprise. They both had been rather tight lipped about who they were, though for her it was more of a game. She could feel his eyes upon her as he continued to speak, but made no reaction other than narrowing her ruby gaze against the onslaught of sea air.

What had prompted her to invite them to Aerie? His idea that it might just be for a quick fuck was irritating, but that was probably what he was trying to get out of her. She had suggested that they join Aerie so that she wouldn't be alone. So that she would have not just one wolf beside her, but two. There was something in both Azriel and Sibyl that spoke to the charcoal woman. She needed his rough nature and she needed Sibyl's kind softness. As the days went by, it was harder and harder to imagine her life without them in it.

The mans closing statement brought Fel's eyes to slide slowly closed. Though rough around the edges, Azriel was surprisingly kind. He was showing vulnerability. He was trying. Such care shouldn't go unrewarded.

Fel took a long moment to absorb the words spoken to her and to simply give the situation the reverence that it was due. She kept her eyes closed and breathed deeply of the tangy salt air. Slowly and gently, the silver streaked woman leaned to the side, settling herself against the much larger body of the man. She placed her cheek against his neck and continued to stare out to sea. Her silence continued to stretch on, but she eventually found her voice. "Thank you." When it seemed like that was all that she would say, Fel continued. "It's not just Aureus. I lost my father, my mother, my sister and now my brother. It's been a lot to handle." A great build up of loss and pain. Just when it seemed like she'd come to terms with one of her family members deaths, another death would be piled on top of it.

"I haven't given up on myself and I don't wish to switch places with the dead. I just need time to center myself again." Before someone else dies so she could repeat the process. That seemed to be her luck. "I suggested that you and Sibyl join Aerie not just to fuck, but to be my partners." Thinking of going back to the lake alone was nauseating. She would gladly go back each and every time if Azriel and Sibyl were waiting for her.

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Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.