


09-10-2013, 03:49 PM

Aoi felt rather lethargic laying lazily sheltered from the icy wind, he flicked his amber tail, uninterested in the goings on around him at this point. He was rather thankful for the rest, having made a long journey up here, though he supposed he likely should start returning soon, not wanting night to fall this far north. He hated to admit that the chill of night could potentially pose a problem to him, not exactly being a winter wolf, nor having the coat readied to withstand temperatures of these extremes. He mused on and on, calculating and ranting internally in his head, before a presence dragged him rather forcefully from his thoughts. In fact. The presence was practically in front of him to his surprise, standing almost defensively, nails digging into the ice beneath her as growls erupted from from her maw. Aoi might have been impressed, if she wasn't seeking him, who was practically visible to every degree, and had even about been passed up by her.

"I'f i'd been a snake, she'd have been bitten..." He noted in his mind humorously. Aoi found it a bit ridiculous that the female didn't know his location, yet had obviously detected him. He wondered if he had left tracks in the snow, then dismissed the possibility, as tracks would've led her to his spot of resting, surely she couldn't be that intellectually handicapped. So, Scent? This seemed a much more likely case, and more plausible for her not to know where he was based on that form of detection. However, there was still the fact he wasn't more than a mere 10 feet or so from her, so how did she possibly miss seeing him? Only a few moments had passed while he picked his brain for possible answer, he didn't allow much more time to be taken aside for thought, as the demand came for him to appear before her in a rather disturbing way.

This woman was either fierce, or just a bitch, it was hard to tell. Briefly scanning over her with his icy gaze, Aoi noted that she wasn't too hard on the eyes to look at, but also made note of her combat superiority, clearly more experienced, and perhaps stronger than himself, it would be wise not to start a fight, though he also didn't want to deal with a hotheaded moron right now. That, indeed would just spoil his day, and this wonderful trip north. With a silent sigh, Aoi lifted his lean frame from the frozen ground, much preferring being on his feet to greet the female. He cleared his throat in an "Ahem" manner, drawing the fact that he was beside her, not hiding whatsoever to her attention in an almost teasing manner before responding. "Excuse Me, Ma'am, Are you looking for me?" He called out, in a cool, relaxed tone, fixating his icy gaze on the side of her face, calm, but serious in preparation for her facing him with what he would already know to be an unpleasant response, though the manner of unpleasant was yet to be determined, hard to say if it would be angry, or sarcastic, both of which he was preparing for.
