
I'm Not a Cynic

Ellery Hervok


2 Years
Extra large
12-22-2020, 10:54 PM
Clouse immediately ducking told her that she’d hit the nail on the head and her heart sunk. It was that damn Archer blood, she knew it! The chaos it coerced from its bearer was too much for the lawful Hervok traits to over come. She was suddenly convinced it was the destiny of every Archer to just up and leave. The woman tried to keep herself from feeling bitter or from detaching herself emotionally, both being a tendency she had when she felt betrayed. Unlike others, this was her brother, her own flesh and blood and she couldn’t let herself turn away from him. If she did, she worried he might really be lost to them forever.

The blonde knight took a moment, swallowing down the lump in her throat. ”Well, that’s a conversation you’ll need to have with Mother...but I don’t see why you would have to be with us all the time. I mean, there are scouts for a reason. You could go out and explore then bring us back the information and stories you gathered,” she replied with a small smile, though she could feel her back teeth grinding. “We’d all miss you terribly, even though we...especially me...suck at showing it, but at the end of the day it’s your life to live and you should have the chance to live it happily. I’ve always wanted to protect you from the moment you were born, but I know I can’t hover over you your entire time. I don’t want you to hate me or anyone else in the family.” it was incredibly hard for her to say these things, to be open with her feelings (well, to an extent anyways), but she felt the youngster needed to hear it.
[Image: Ellerychibi.png]