
Where are you gonna go when I'm gone?

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
09-10-2013, 05:03 PM

This woman was terrifyingly close to his jugular vein, pressing him tightly to the earth below. All because he had been too confident, too sure that she would not try to attack him, that the smaller woman could not overpower him. She seemed to use all of her strength to shake her head, ripping his flesh, sending more blood trickling down his neck. The wound was deep, and while it was certainly not fatal, he swore he felt his strength draining from his body with each second that passed..

His attack had landed, though he was still in a rather vulnerable position. Basilisk Saxe felt his teeth snag onto her limb, gripping desperately at her ankle and biting down. The taste of blood was rewarding, and yet he felt his limbs slipping, his body giving in from the force of her on top of him. A groan slipped from his throat, a painful sound that turned into a snarl. The blood loss was far greater than he realized, and he jerked himself around, trying to pull away from her as he released his grip on her foreleg. With his final surge of energy he would struggle to leave her, and yet he was too weak, far too weak ... his eyes strained as he attempted to focus on her, his gaze a hazy purple. Despite how badly he wished to strike her again, to make her pay for what she had done, he couldn't. The earth seemed to sway beneath him, the sound of his own heartbeat pounding loudly in his ears. Seconds felt like hours as his body gave up, slowly crumpling beneath her on the ground, his eyes fluttering shut and he drifted into unconsciousness and away from the pain that wracked his body and the blood that continued to flow from his wound..