
Large Pile of Sand

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
09-10-2013, 06:41 PM

Basilisk knew he shouldn't have approached the young girl. And yet her innocence had drawn him in. He had gone so long without happiness, without warmth -- and he saw it within her, radiating from the very core of her being. Even upon reuniting with his mother, his pack, he had felt nothing but a dull, burning hate, tinged with sorrow.

So naive... she openly admitted that she didn't remember her father saying such a thing, and he felt a laugh begin deep within his chest. She commented on the fact that her parents supported one another; his expression faltered, a slight scowl coming over his lips. The things he could say. He didn't know of such pure love, pure compassion; his parents had been nothing like normal parents. Nothing at all.. Over time he had learned this. It had become painfully clear to him.

As he lifted her by the scruff and set her on the ground, he took a few slow steps backward. Eyeing her, his purple gaze unblinking. Her attention was rather fleeting, and he watched as she found a particular rock that grasped her attention. "Basilisk. Basilisk Saxe," he answered plainly, often unsure whether or not his family name would be known. It was by many -- but he would be awfully surprised if this youngster had any idea who he was. Slowly he crept forward, closer to the pile of sand and sea treasures, wondering if she would trust him or not yet. "But you hardly know me. I'm not sure why you would trust me with such a thing."