
as we collide



09-10-2013, 08:25 PM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2013, 08:28 PM by Themisto.)

Paw pads kissed the earth elegantly as he carried himself toward the battlefield. He had been around collection herbs, and after a half hour or so, he could hear a lot of commotion coming from the arena. Sure, fights were a regular occurrence there, only this didn't sound like a single fight. Many voices and snarls were echoing across the land, and being a healer, it was his job to make sure everyone was safe, whither it be an enemy, or a friend. After a short time he came onto the scene, and what was unfolding before him was a shock. There was a cluster of wolves, each seeming to be on separate sides, because one group was facing off with another. His ears tipped back slightly, and when the fresh scent of blood graced his nostrils his pace picked up. Someone was bleeding, and from what he smelt it wasn't just a scratch or two. Someone was bleeding out.

His jog turned into almost a full on sprint as he rushed toward the scene. Faces started to materialize, the first one being Gideon and some grey scaled female. They were fighting, for what he didn't know, and as badly as he wanted to interrupt, he didn't want to throw Gideon off his game. The second to come was one he feared he would never see again. It was Chrysanthe, the beautiful woman he had met a few seasons ago. Instantly there had been an attraction between them, well, on his part at least, because from then on he had never let go of that longing. Butterfly's were starting to form in his stomach just from seeing her, but he ignored his pup like reaction. Someone needed help, and they needed it now.

"Chrysanthe! Are you alright!?" He called to her as he made his way toward what could be an emergancy. In all honesty she was top priority, because if she was hurt and he didn't tend to her, he would hate himself. She seemed distracted with what was going on before her, and despite her attention being away from him he wasted no time coming to her. She only had a few scratches from what he could see, and she didn't seem to be drowning in her own blood. thank goodness... a sigh of relieve washed over him as he attempted to run his nose along the side of her cheek in a friendly manner. He was about to start asking questions, but then the sickening scent wafted across his nostrils again. Quickly he turned, eyes scanning the crowd beyond the fight that seemed to be directly between the two groups.

There. Passed out on the cold earth was a figure, a hard one to miss too. The purest of ivory draped its features, and unless he was crazy, it seemed to have a pink tint to it. An albino perhaps? He wasted no more time thinking, he could already see the pool of crimson around the lifeless figure. What if he was too late? "He needs my help." He said in almost a whisper as he darted away from the woman. He felt bad for leaving her, but what else was he supposed to do? He wouldn't allow someone to die here, at least, not on his watch. Powerful legs carried the man toward the ivory figure, and the closer he came, the more intoxicating the scent became. He was bleeding out fast, and Themisto had no time to waste.

When he reached him he went straight to work. All other voices were toned out, all other members became a blur. It was him and this unknown man, and that was the way it would stay until he was certain he was alright. With a push of his nose he moved the mans back leg slightly. The blood was seeping heavily from his inner thigh, and luckily for him it was the one he hadn't passed out on. If it would have been the other leg, Themisto would have had to completely flip him over. think Themisto think... What stops heavily bleeding quickly... His mind started racing as different herbs popped up in his mind. He had so many options, both for pain and clotting, but getting the wound to stop bleeding enough to get him to safety would be a challenge. Elevate it, clean it, apply pressure, dress it. The steps repeated through his head over and over as he searched around for a rock big enough to elevate the ivory mans leg. He saw one not too far from him, and quickly rushed over to get it. With a few pushes of his front paws he rolled it back to the man, and with a few adjustment he placed the bleeding leg onto the rock, slightly elevating it to help stop the bleeding.

Clean it. His tongue caressed the wound as he began what would be a long, and foul tasting, process. If he were to clean the wound he would first need to see it. Blood was thickly matted around the wound, but after some cleaning, and almost gagging, he could finally get a good look at it. It appeared to be a severe bite mark, from who he didn't know, nor did he care at this moment. He continued cleaning the wound with his tongue because he had nothing else to use at the moment. If he had been by fresh water he could have used that, but his saliva was better than nothing.

Apply pressure, then dress it. His gaze finally lifted from the man as he looked around for something to place over the wound. He remembered using spider webs to soak up the blood, and turmeric could help with pain and internal bleeding. Once he dressed the wound he was sure the bleeding would greatly stop, so he wasted no time rising and taking off toward his secret stash. After all, what good healer didn't have a secret stash near the battlefield for a time like this? He was always prepared, because if Maverick was ever sent into battle here, he would be the one to tend to his wounds. Feet seemed to fly above the earth as he sprinted toward his stash, and when he got there, he scooped up the herbs, webs, and leaved needed to dree it with a swift motion. Then he turned back to the field, ignoring everyone else that was around them. If someone were to interfere he would still ignore them, and if they were to attack, he would do his best to dodge and keep going to work. Coming to a thudded stop he came back to the man, and still, wasted no time. He first placed the turmeric all along the wound. He imagined when the man regained consciousness he would need some pain relief, so he saved a bit on the side for that. Then, he placed the wads of spider webs over the herbs, which would not only help stop the bleeding, but it would help keep the herbs in the wound.

Now, to dress the wound. He placed the large leaves he had grabbed around the wound, and wrapped each one as many time as possible. When three or four leaves had been wrapped he used his paws and teeth to tie the ends into a knot, that way it would come undone or fall off. He placed his paw over the nadage and applied pressure. Now, to take him to safety... His head rose, and things started to materialize. Gideon was still fighting, and others were starting to challenge others. Something important was happening here, what he wasn't exactly sure, but he needed to take this man away from here. His head was facing the Glaciem side of the groups, and loudly he called to anyone who was willing to help. "I don't know this man, and I'm not sure if you do either. As a healer it is my job to help and serve anyone who needs it, enemy or friend. I'm a strong man, but I will need the assistance of one other to take this man to safety. I need to get him to the nearest body of water. Please, I will repay the favor in time, I assure you that." He didn't know it, but the kings blood dripped from his maw and down his throat. If someone new came along they might even think he was the one who did this, because it sure seemed like it. Without a second thought he grabbed the mans scruff and started his journey toward wolfpaw lake. He only hoped that someone else would join him in rescuing this stranger.


OOC: ignore errors, I had to leave before I could spell check and read over. Enjoy! Important parts are paragraphs 3, 4, and 8 :3