
Tides of change , tides of learning.

For Shard



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-25-2020, 11:26 PM
Walk | "Talk" | Companion talk

The brown and black pup roamed the willows as he looked at the various plants with a questionable gaze.  Near him was a young snow leapord and a small mongoose riding on top of it.  High up in the sky, riding the sky was his dad’s vulture to keep an eye on him.  Somewhere around was a much larger snow leopard keeping an eye on him as well.  The boy would not easily be picked off by any predators with all the protection surrounding him.  

Kotori needed to learn all he could about the dumb plants.  Healing wasn’t a thing he loved but it would serve a strong purpose when required.  More than that he wanted to learn about all the herbs and plants to know which could do harm.  Kotori would be sure to lace some form of weapon with poison for serious battles.  So, no matter how little he cared about herbs the benefits were worth it to the proud Fatalis child.
The young boy stopped when he heard dad’s bird let out a Ki-Ki-Ki and raised up his ears.  His young cat snarled before softly warning, “Someone’s out there.” Kotori raised his nose up sniffing at the air, gaze searching, and finally noticing a flash of white.  Kotori slowly inched forward staying low to the ground.  Sadly he wasn’t nearly as good at it as the cats were.  The mongoose leaped off the cat and quickly was able to seemingly disappear amongst the woods.

The wolf had a funny pack on it, what was that for?  Was it collecting stuff also?  So far Kotori hadn’t spotted the cat.  “Hi,” Kotori stood up straight and called out, deciding it was probably safe, and ignored the look his young cat gave him of reproach.  Kotori bet dad’s cat was giving him an even worse look from wherever it was.  Kotori felt safe and thus no harm in greeting the stranger.

[Image: HMmbDEu.png]