
Unexpected Findings


09-10-2013, 09:12 PM

Dempsey couldn't really contradict her when she mentioned his idiocy of stepping into the wind. Mentally he was already kicking himself though, so why not let her do it physically as well? However, when she called herself a pro he couldn't help but snort and roll his eyes. Dempsey was a pro, he just hadn't had any work in awhile which meant little practice. Of course she didn't know that, but he didn't mind irritating her as much as possible. "First lesson: never let anything in your surroundings cloud your mind when you are tracking. Especially when you have a soft spot for the soft spot of others." Obviously, this femmae hadn't paid much attention to his sign of displeasure.

Rolling his eyes, he opened his mouth without thinking first, "Oh trust me love, if I had a soft spot for your soft spot, I doubt you'd have a problem with it." The handsome grey brute cocked his head at her and his platinum eyes spoke of bold confidence. Why shouldn't he be confident in his sexual abilities? There were more than enough females in this land to back up his claim. Aspasia would probably volunteer to show the woman for goodness sake! Not that he would mind in the least that is.

The woman's instincts seemed to be showing though as she showed off her curves to him unknowingly. Poor thing, probably never had anyone sate her heat before. Though I have to admit, you would probably be more pleasant if I did." Winking at her, he wondered if she would let him 'help'. Oh he loved when males used that line. He has used it himself in fact. 'Why don't you let me help you, I think I have the time.' Damn right they had the time! Dempsey chuckled despite himself. Females really would fall for anything. "Let me guess, love," The endearment slipped from his mouth before he really noticed. "The heat, it feels like an unquenchable fire in your belly? And every time you see a male, or maybe even a female, I won't be one to guess what floats that pretty little boat of your's, it flairs up and seems to force it's way almost right out of your skin."

The male threw his head up in laughter. Man it must suck to be female! His eyes sparkled with harsh amusement. "Shame there's no one here that could fix that little itch for you, doll." Standing, his facial features hardened, "Maybe if you hadn't been so damn condemning or had a little sense of diplomacy," He spit at her feet then. Oh yes, she had made Dempsey mad. He admitted it. Her choice words about calling herself a pro insinuated that he was not indeed a pro. His anger was slow to boil it was true, but when it did you better hope you had an escape plan. Never is it a good idea to mess with a skilled assassin. "I think I'd rather watch you burn in your own fire than put it out for you though," Flames seemed to dance in his eyes as his nasty side emerged and he imagined her literally wrapped up in flames, "I doubt you could convince me otherwise with a body like yours." Oh yes, he was pissed. If she couldn't tell she was probably hit in the head with a brick as a puppy. However, the dare was full fledged and he threw it right up in her face. Make him want her. It would be a hard task with his anger burning so, but part of him wished she would try and succeed.

ooc: For some reason I kinda really like this reply :) Maybe it's because I haven't played an angry Dempsey yet! :P
