
Conflict of interest




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
12-26-2020, 06:07 PM

It was the middle of the night, but he couldn’t sleep. After the council meeting he had left feeling more than a little irritated by the boy’s words and that sadly drowned out the nervous excitement he had towards the pack potentially moving in the spring. He wanted to focus on the job they would have ahead of them of preparing for the winter and getting the pack ready for the new journey ahead of them. Instead, he was sitting outside of their den near the top of the falls brooding about the audacity of that dark male.

At the same time... at what point did he have to follow through as a high ranking member of this pack and make sure that his fiancé was doing the same level of work that the rest of them were? It wasn’t that he wanted her to have any special treatment, but he knew how hard she was working to be a good mother for their children. In his mind at least that more than made up for her slight absence in the day to day workings of the pack, but then he thought of Tamsyn who had as many children as them - technically more now that they had adopted a couple more - and how she had gotten back into doing patrols. But Azariah wasn’t a fighter and going to gather herbs and the like would take her away from their pups longer than a patrol would...

A heavy sigh passed his lips and he looked down toward the water in front of his paws. He didn’t know what the right answer was and he didn’t want to burden Azariah with what Askan had said, but he also knew that she could see right through any sort of facade he tried to put on.
