


09-11-2013, 02:19 PM
OOC Name: Bloss
How did you get here?: Keno referred me. :)
Age: 19

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Character's Name: Solaris Lucerius
Age: Three
Season of birth: Autumn
Size: 32"
Appearance description: Sol is charcoal grey with a blanket of black speckles on his back and throughout his tail. He has four black socks and black patches over both of his eyes, which accentuate their bright yellow color. A white blaze covers the top of his muzzle and there are three white dots at the corner of his eyes, which are a trademark of his bloodline.

Overall Solaris is a tall wolf with slender legs and his mother's heavy paws. They allow him to grip the ground easily and are very useful since he likes to jump about a lot; good shock absorbers! His tail is long and fluffy, another trait from his mother that gives him excellent balance. A wide chest accommodates strong lungs, though the rest of him is quite skinny. Coupled with his height, it makes him look a little goofy, as if he is still growing into his odd despite being an adult. Most of his muscle is lean and concentrated in his legs to help him be the fleet footed individual he is.

His ears are large, which some might say is to help him hear himself talk. Actually, it's just another trait from his mother, who he resembles in all ways but color.
Duty: Runner