

Howl 1


09-10-2013, 11:42 PM

Hazel eyes would watch carefully as the woman stood to face him. She seemed a little strange...or maybe it was just him, he wasn't sure. She approached, casting a glance downwards for a brief moment before returning her gaze to him. His head would fall back slightly after realizing how close the girl would place herself so very close to his body. Her muzzle practically doing a crossover his, though keeping to the side. Darkened hazel would guard themselves then, giving no indication of his current emotions. He was still angry and bitter over his siblings, but would not let that anger spill out onto a stranger. He didn't fight without a good reason, despite his hot headedness at times. He refused to let such a thing stray into the eyes of a perfect stranger.

"This simply wont do..." The creme pelted man steeled himself in place. Ears tilting back against his skull in an unsure manner. Why was she so close? His nostrils caught the scent of her coat mixed with that of the salted air. One brow would raise, as if a question formed in his mind but none came. He remained where he was, feeling her breath sweep the side of his own muzzle as she spoke again. "I was enjoying a nice night alone.. But I suppose you aren't too much of a bother, but please, no need to be so formal. I'm Myrrh" He would bite his lip and his line of teeth would be covered with a frown. So...was she being polite? Or sarcastic? Howl inwardly rolled his eyes, though avoided actually doing it.

"Well...nice to meet you Myrrh. In that case, you won't mind if I hang around then. I'm no rush to get anywhere anyway." He replied, his voice growing with slight frustration towards the end. It wasn't because of her no, but more so because of recent events. His whole life was turning around, and with it the shifts in feelings within his own family. He needed to get away from it, needed a distraction. Be it a walk alone, or even a chat with a stranger be it friendly or not. This it seemed to him, was the perfect distraction. Depending on how things went, maybe he could vent to her. Then again, her mystery made him feel guarded. Apprehensive, suspicious even. But of course, he wouldn't show that to her.
