Oh My Wow!
12-26-2020, 07:15 PM
Gossamer pawed lightly at her pile of leaves and wait for the next set of instructions. "Ok, now add the leaves to this bowl and mass them well." Gossamer nodded and scooped the leaves into her bowl before picking up a deer leg bone with her mouth and turning her head to mash the leaves. She worked carefully until she Ásta told her it was good. She set the bone down and was about to ask what the next step was when a young man suddenly appeared. He seemed to be some kind of healer. She smiled politely. "Hi. Yea, I have yarrow! I'm making stuff with it. What are you gathering?" Maybe he knew about some plants that Ásta didn't. She glanced curiously at his companion before deciding she out to do introductions. "I'm Gossamer and this is Ásta."