
The princess and the pit viper

Tyrfing, Viper



Expert Fighter (210)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Overachiever
Snake EyesCritical Observation!1KCritical Hit!
12-26-2020, 10:46 PM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2020, 10:46 PM by Tyrfing.)
Fin did his absolute best to not laugh when he was so firmly commanded to shut up, so instead of the loud echoing belly-aching laughter that nature had intended, the purple pup let out a combination of a strangled cackle and a loud cough. This was so far the best day in his young life, that much he was convinced. If only there was a way to capture the moment for all of eternity so he could look back at Skadi's loser face being forced to plant a kiss upon the pit-viper's nose - oh, how he'd be sharing this story with her grandkids one day.

She shot towards him a look that very much mirrored her earlier 'shut up' and he snapped his jaws shut with an audible click. Excitement brewed in his chest and his grin tugged at his firmly shut lips. He was unable to force the sheer glee away, so he ended up (accurately) looking very much like he was holding back an amazing secret. "Yeah, it's a good secret too!" He couldn't help but call out to the pit from where he sat, smothering once more his bubbling laughter.
[Image: Tyrfing_Chibi1.png]
Tyrfing has feline paws (with an extra toe on each foot), small horns, and amethyst saber fangs. These features may not be visible on all his art.
He has a black-chinned hummingbird companion named Coach and a mini emperor penguin named Private, and unless otherwise stated, assume the hummingbird is with him at all times.