
cowboys and lassos

open... hunt/snare/thing?



Expert Fighter (210)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Overachiever
Snake EyesCritical Observation!1KCritical Hit!
12-26-2020, 11:08 PM
Tyrfing was used to Ysmir and his silent ways, his gesturing, and how to work around it and understand him anyways. What else were siblings for, if to not understand each other's innermost thoughts? "We'll find a way to hang it on a tree or something, somewhere high up." He decided after a moment, still working to tie the knot in the rope. After watching him struggle, his hummingbird descended from above and snatched the end of the rope from Tyrfing's jaws. It looked heavy for the tiny thing, but he still managed to fly it over towards where Ysmir held it, and with it's body weave it through the hole. Fin quickly stole back the end as soon as the hard work was done, and worked to tighten the knot his companion had made.

"What do horses like to eat, like more than anything else in the world? We should figure that out, and then hang this in a tree with their favorite food near it. When they reach their necks up to eat it..." Fin did his best dramatic performance, arching his neck like a horse grazing up high before feigning capture. His paws lifted to his throat as if an invisible rope was around it, and he pretended he couldn't grasp air. Then after a moment, he collapsed onto his side with his tongue sticking out -dead.
[Image: Tyrfing_Chibi1.png]
Tyrfing has feline paws (with an extra toe on each foot), small horns, and amethyst saber fangs. These features may not be visible on all his art.
He has a black-chinned hummingbird companion named Coach and a mini emperor penguin named Private, and unless otherwise stated, assume the hummingbird is with him at all times.