
Care Free Liven


09-11-2013, 01:28 AM

Eria couldn't help but feel her smile widen, making her eyes crinkle at the corners and gently flash with their radiance. His words were like music and for someone who hadn't been around them enough, they were a nice melody to hear. It may have not meant to, but Eria was delighted that someone was actually pleased to see her. Even though she had been around her family of Rogues since Glaciem was still theirs, no one really stood out in her mind's eye. With Themisto being relaxed and in a pleasant mood, the night was definitely becoming better.
She took the opportunity to take a few steps forward before reclining to her haunches in front of him. The moon cast its light on her once again, placing her halfway in shadow. The lit part of her body stood out and her eyes twinkled, complimenting her dark, bluish fur in the process. "That would be a lovely way to catch one," she replied, agreeing that such an idea would be nice. "Unfortunately, I have yet to meet someone who has the same thought as that." She lightly shrugged. "It will happen when it seems fit to, I suppose." She was definitely more laid back tonight than usual. Weird.
Relief swept over her when she found out that she hadn't interrupted him. His own question of being out made her think. Her gaze looked up to the moon for a second before she turned it back to him and smoothly answered, "I was restless. I'm not sure why, but I couldn't sleep. After tossing and turning, I began to itch all over..." She shook her head at the thought and softly sighed. "I started to walk, which helped some, but not enough to settle it. So, I've been wandering around, enjoying the quiet and scenery...until I came across you." Her smile appeared again. "I am quite happy to run across someone outside of my pack. I've been kind of eager to meet someone new lately."
