
Drop on by


09-11-2013, 01:49 AM

Chocolate paws raced through the woods, the scents bringing him ever closer. Of course he would be able to track them down easily. That was his job after all, he was the quickest of the bunch with a nose to match it. And he was hot on their trail. His steps would not falter, even when the haunting call of his older brother Anthem rang out across the forest. His head would raise, ears straightforward as he kept on track. He had captured his older siblings scent. Not because he was tracking them, but instead he had been trying to track Novella and Story. Story on the other hand, has been separated from him after they left on their search for Novella. He wondered if he was around somewhere nearby...Story was just as capable as finding his way around and taking care of himself as Legend and the others were. He'd be fine. Then again, Story was somewhere closer to Anthem...always had been. Didn't like to fight, was never angry, and always stuck closer to that brother. More so then the rest of them. He didn't know why, and for some reason his parents wouldn't tell him. But he supposed it was because Anthem was so lovable in his own way.

The youth would leap over bushes and logs, his long slender legs pushing him up and over like a deer bounding for its life. His tail was flagged out behind him, and ahead...the voices. At last, he had reached them. He leaped through the final stretch, his body flying over the last obstacle as he landed neatly in the middle of the wolves gathered. Before he had arrived, the scents told him who each one was...all but Song. He had heard of her, but had no idea what she smelled like. "Symphony! Howl! Anthem! Novella!" He greeted each one in turn. Paws carried him over to his brother Howl first, nuzzling his chest before turning his attention to Anthem, licking his muzzle in happy greetings. His head would then turn towards the others, cobalt eyes falling upon Song and her cubs. With a tilt of his head, he simply looked at them. Observing and wondering who they were. He remained near Anthem and Howl, his body angled so that he was practically under both of their heads with his body in front of the two.
