
Flower-Treasure Hunting!




Advanced Intellectual (60)

Advanced Healer (60)

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Pride - PansexualPride - Demisexual
12-27-2020, 05:16 PM

Emile listened to Outlaw, staring up at him. He didn't really have a good grasp on what a plant being rare really meant, not yet. On paper, he knew that the word meant it was hard to find but he had no real grasp of the value of anything yet so hard to find just meant that it was well hidden in his mind, not that they weren't many to find.

Still, as Outlaw started to explain the plants they were looking for the boy nodded, filing the information he was being given away in his mind, he wasn't so sure this Alder thing was all that hard to find... after all he'd seen tons of shrubbery with red berries already, though of course, he wasn't aware of the big differences that meant that not all shrubs with bright red berries were this plant he was looking for.

Trillium, on the other hand, a name he just knew was not going to play nice with his tongue, sounded at least a little more unique, at least based on his memories of the plants he'd seen. Little white flowers weren't something he typically went looking for, they were after all, not as bright as the ones he usually brought home for his mother. Maybe he should look for that one.

Outlaw commented about winter and the boy nodded, he wasn't immune to the understanding of weather, after all, he could feel heat and cold and he was aware of the downward trend of the temperature over the course of the first few months of his life but had no way of knowing just how much colder things would soon get, or the effect that would have on his world. Maybe he was lucky to have been born near the hot springs, there would be warmth in the coming months and he'd likely only see ice if he ventured outside of his little safe circle. He trotted dutifully after Outlaw as the dog continued to talk. His ming snagging on one of the comments.

"Wwwwwhat's the Ocean?" He asked. Watching at Outlaw peered under some shrubs. He'd obediently do as he was told, trotting over to the place the dog had indicated, turning his forest gaze towards the ground as he searched, even slipping between the two trunks when he needed to keep poking around. He didn't manage to find any small white flowers, this Trillium they were looking for but he did spot some blue ones, that he dutifully dug up to bring back to his mother once they were done here. "N.... Nothing here!" He called out once he was done poking into all the tiny nooks and crannies.

WC: 449 (1585/2500)


Art by Kolokolchek