
Not here,out there

seasonal Fighting prompts - fall, year 15

Polaris I


1 Year
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019
12-27-2020, 06:52 PM

The hair on her scruff rose on intimidation as fangs revealed in a snarl. If this bastard thought they could get to hurt her family and get away with it they were wrong and Polaris was about to teach them what that meant. And from time to time she checked on Tsunami, hoping she wasn't too injured or dead. But for her relief, she was fine as she stood back to her feet and joined her against the bear. She nodded as Tsunami stood opposite to her against the bear, this caused it to get tired of them uncertain of who to attack. But in the end, it went after her cousin who went after but the massive bear paw caught her. Polaris rushed forward and aiming to once more get the bear's attention out of Tsunami she attempted to bit hard on the bear's left back leg by the join, trashing her head in the process.

But then the bear pinned the smaller wolf who took a bite on their leg. Well, Polaris sought her chance, and snarling she took purchase on the other front paw of the bear trashing again hoping to cause a lot of damage on any tendon or bone. But as she did that the bear left tsunami and went after Polaris who soon jumped out of the way and circling them she sank her fangs once again on the wound she caused in the rear leg.



[Image: Polaris_pixel.png]