
What's a Slipper?




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

12-27-2020, 07:57 PM
Gwyn stayed close to him after he’d helped her back up to her paws. Both girls were excited but she was the more timid of the two. Bowen was eager to go headfirst into everything and that made Indy extra on guard. If anything happened to one of the girls Resin would have his head. He tried to keep an eye on both of them, and he was suddenly thankful for Gwyn’s caution. She kept close as they really started their search. Her words and question were soft and sweet as she pondered aloud to her companions.

”You could be right, Gwynevere.” He returned as his bright eyes glance from Bowen back to her sister. ”No, most plants don’t like the cold. When the season changes most of the plant life will go dormant for the winter.” He explained further, almost offhand as he watched Bowen scamper forward towards a close grouping of trees. This would be his second winter, and just like the first everything would die back and he’d be left to wait until Spring returned. Indy tried not to dwell.

Which wasn’t possible for long as Bowen returned with a quick gallop, suddenly circling the two of them. Indigo watched her with a half smile, and didn’t hesitate to follow as she ushered them forward. He almost stepped forward to help her up into the crevice of the tree but everything happened too quickly. He did race forward when she squeaked and practically threw herself off the tree.

”Are you alright, Bowen?” She seemed much more defeated now that she’d gotten a nip on the nose. He hadn’t seen any blood but her paw was over the spot. She seemed to shrug it off, but she was drained of the excited energy she’d previously had. Indy smiled softly and nudged her shoulder encouragingly before taking up the lead. He wouldn’t keep his eyes off them for long, but he’d not press Bowen to recover from the disappointment so early.

”We’ll find it.” He promised but he knew he’d have to do it quick if he was going to keep the girl’s attention. Indigo led them further into the wood, searching willow tree after willow tree. He had a feeling they were getting into the real wild parts, where wolves didn’t often stray. When he saw it, Indy stopped. The corners of his lips pulled back and he waited for one of the girls to see. He’d allow them to be the winner of the day before he helped them harvest the plant. There would be a celebration all the way home.

Total: 3500

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.