
top of the muffin to ya

a hekkin' intruder yo



6 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Treat 2019
12-27-2020, 09:31 PM
He was patrolling the borders. Thoughts of the funeral and of the family that had died so far heavy on his mind. His mother. Malleus. Aureus...each one seemed to add another weight on him, and he wasn't sure how much more he could keep it all down. His mother's death had been the first heavy blow. And since then he had kept spiraling. He had emotionally closed himself off, even keeping things from his own brother. He was full of anger and hatred for the world that kept taking those he loved away. And while he knew he had a part in it by keeping the rest closed off, he felt it had been necessary. He couldn't get hurt if he didn't get close to them, right? But these days, that was starting to sound like the wrong idea.

As he walked in silence and seething anger, he heard voices ahead. Ears perked, and the dark Abraxas stalked along until he spotted them. Phyrric's woman was talking to someone he didn't recognize. Someone who didn't belong here. Hackles rose as his eyes narrowed, the large male heading straight towards them with his teeth bared. "Trying to give an intruder a chance to get off easy? That's not how Aerie does things." He had never spoken to Riva, or even bothered to meet her. But she had been here long enough to know how the pack worked. Turning to the intruder, he growled "You chose the wrong day for this."  He threw back his head to alert the other pack members before settling into a battle stance. Regardless of the outcome of this, he was going to at least try to chase off the trespasser with a reminder not to do it again.

Zagan Abraxas vs Azure for Minor maim (Scarring from corner of muzzle to base of ear)
Round: 0/?
Age: over 1yr
Size: Large
Build: Heavy
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Beginner Hunter
Specialty: N/A