
Angel like you




5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
12-27-2020, 10:14 PM
Settling into her new home had been easy enough - mostly thanks to Iroh. He had been her piece of familiarity in an otherwise unfamiliar world. Since autumn was quickly coming to an end and winter would be setting in before they knew it, she knew she wanted to get some adventure in before the weather made it miserable to do so, but she also wanted to do something to thank her Iroh and give them an excuse to get away for a bit... so she came up with a plan. It took a bit of work and planning and even a bit of scheming with Sarabi to make it happen, but as she led the way down to the grove where they first met it was hard to contain her excitement so she wouldn't give away the surprise.

"Come on, come on! We're almost there!" she said with a grin as she trotted a head once they got within a few feet of the clearing, her tail wagging happily behind her. It was the first time she had ever thought to do something not entirely for herself, but it was becoming more and more apparent that love did some incredible things to her priorities. Once they walked through the trees and into the berry bush filled clearing, her surprise came into full view. There was a camp fire already set up and ready to light and a tent made of four fairly long sticks that had been stuck into the ground and had a long piece of fabric draped over them. The fabric covered the top and three of the sides, leaving one side open to face the fire. Sarabi had already been here and had their tea pot and all the accoutrements laid out perfectly along with a nice selection of things to pick from for dinner - a couple of fish, a haunch from a deer, and a bowl of sweet berries along with a couple of bottles of mead.

She went to stand next to the little campsite she had prepared and turned to face her love, giving him a proud grin. It didn't feel like much considering how much he had given her thus far, but perhaps it would be a start. "What do you think?"

Walk | "Talk" | think