
as we collide


09-11-2013, 02:32 AM
She had arrived at the beginning of the challenge between Isardis and Chrysanthe, and had watched, with wide eyes at the damage and the scene that had unfolded. Anger coursed through her, an emotion that shocked her, due to the rather new-ness of her loyalty to her king, and to Glaciem. Everything happened so quickly. Chrysanthe snapped, going for his groin and a low growl bubbled in her throat, luckily the alphess of Valhalla had missed. In horror she watched as he king crumpled to the ground.

Rooted to the spot, her eyes darted between her king and Argent, as words and new challenges were spoken. It seemed that war was breaking out all around her as fight after fight broke out. Taurig was promoted and Eris was ordered to tend to her king. Casting a long look at Argent, her friend and over-seer she turned to head towards the king, wondering who this other wolf Argent had addressed was. A stranger approached her king, and a snarl rose to her maw as her pace headed towards him, dodging around the other wolves. Coming around another, she saw the stranger was tending to him, and came to a halt beside him, just as his words rang out towards Glaciem.

?I am Eris, curer of Glaciem.? The introduction would be brief, and frank. ?Let?s get him out of here.? Her words would be cool, tightly concealing any emotion she felt. It would do her pack no good, for them to see their healer distraught. Nudging her king, the examined the work of the other wolf, and found it to be satisfactory.

As the other lifted her king, she cast another glance at her pack, a long sigh exiting her maw. How she wished it wouldn?t have come to this. Stepping forward she gently picked up the scruff of his back in her jaws, hoping to still his hindquarters as they carried him forward, and away from the thick of the war that seemed to be erupting. She didn?t know what she would do if another was injured and needed her to tend to them. She would call someone from Glaciem, she supposed once Isardis was stable to stay with him while she returned to check on the rest of the pack, but for now, he was her only concern. Isardis had to be alright.