
This Christmas I'll Burn It To The Ground!

Pack Takeover



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

12-27-2020, 11:58 PM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2020, 12:06 AM by Casso.)

The sound of his brother's howl made him freeze mid step and caused him to quickly look back over his shoulder at the ship that he had only left less than an hour before. The first thing that hit him was a mix of disbelief and confusion, quickly followed by a feeling of dread. He hadn't been there when his father finally crossed over into pure madness thanks to his mother's quick thinking and mad scramble to get a few of them out before things turned to the worst, but there was a sneaking suspicion that perhaps Ignis was slowly making his way down the same path. It had taken so much of his energy, and continued to drain him daily, to reign in the demons that seemed to constantly swirl in his mind and act as a chorus that never relented. Since meeting Yurei and leaning on her for support they had quieted somewhat, but finding Nolan had given them new life.

"And why wouldn't he take what is his? Your father was the one that ruled, the one that should have continued to rule. Your brother is doing what is right!"

He was already racing back toward the ship, abandoning his hunt, when the demon's voice crescendoed to be heard above the sound of his paws crunching through the snow. He grit his teeth as he shut them out. He hadn't been certain about the decision to place Winter in charge, but that hadn't been his call to make and certainly wasn't one he would question. He trusted his uncle with his life and owed so much to him - he wouldn't dare question his choices no matter the inexperience that his daughter carried with her. She could be taught and trained, she just needed time.

His paws pounded against the metal of the ship as he climbed up to the upper most level, running across the deck to where a small crowd had begun to gather around Ignis near the bow of the ship. He slowed to a halt next to Yurei, his two toned eyes watching his brother with a disapproving question to his gaze. He glanced down to his mate and saw the panic in her expression and he quickly dipped his head to press his nose reassuringly to her cheek. Whatever happened, he wouldn't let anything harm her and that at least would give him some solace. He looked to Acere briefly before trudging forward, walking past the others to stand just behind Ignis' shoulder. He couldn't see his brother's expression since he was facing away from him, but he tried to speak with him in a way that the others wouldn't hear. "Don't do this," he said firmly, a frown creasing his expression. "Don't trust them." He knew Ignis would understand without him having to explain. He hadn't had a chance to discuss the demons with his brother the way he had hoped he would since other things in his life had intervened with his time, but he didn't doubt that they had a hand in this.

Without waiting for Ignis' answer, he turned and walked back to where Yurei was standing, waiting at her side with a grim expression on his face. Part of him knew that this plan had already been put into motion and there was little he could do to change its course. Now he could only stand by and watch as it played out in front of him... and decide where he would stand on the other side of this conflict.

Walk | "Talk" | think