
Outrun the Storm



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
12-28-2020, 03:21 AM

She had such lovely boys. Though she rested, Resin's senses were always on high alert. She smelled Grim's approach on the wind and a bit of a smile touched her blackened lips as he curled up beside her. One big paw moved to scoop the boy close to her belly where she curled protectively around him. No doubt he needed it if he was seeking out comfort. She would be his protection. The giantess was already resolved to the fact that she and Tamsyn would be the boys new parents. They would keep him safe and raise him right. There was a possibility that he would never shake his brooding nature, but as long as he grew to know right from wrong, that was all that she could ask for.

Moments later Artorias crept up close. The concern in his voice was touching and she pulled him against her chest, head raising so that she could lick the top of his head. Rudy was next and he did much the same, asking after her well being. She could hear more panic in his voice than she'd heard in that of his brother. Just as she had done with Art, Resin scooped Rudyard in close, snuffling the top of his head with her dusty blue nose. "None of you need to worry," she rumbled. "I will heal in time. It's all part of being a warrior." It was something that both of them could look forward to if they decided to continue down the path of battle.

Though they had sought her out due to concern and the need for comfort, she needed them as well. Losing Rue had reminded her of how precious the lives of the pack were. Especially the lives of her pups. Not Tamsyn's pups. Her pups. Resin had struggled with it at first. They were Tamsyn's children born of some unknown man. Resin had put her stamp on them, however. They swam in her scent. They learned her teachings. They were her children. Had the hyenas killed one of them rather than Rue, Resin wouldn't have stopped killing just the guilty parties. She would have sought out and decimated every hyena horde that she came across.

"I need all of you to be extra careful when you're roaming around the territory. Always be on guard. Keep your sisters safe, okay?" Resin knew that giving them a duty like protecting Tika, Daphne, Gwyn and Bo would keep the boys on point. It was an important task and one that she expected them to take seriously. The Hallows wasn't completely safe. Not with all of the pack pushing the predators inward to seek out prey. If it would be safe to move the pack right now, she would surely do so. As it was, they would have to wait until spring.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]