



09-11-2013, 03:26 AM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2013, 03:34 AM by Maija.)

If Maija had been a different wolf with a different past, she would have been able to spill her guts out to this stranger. His words were sarcastic and filled with amusement, but he was concerned. Even through the mask that he had over how he spoke, Maija could tell he had an inkling of a soul behind those icy eyes. A tiny piece of her wanted to break free from her bonds, to tell him that she was in agony because of her husband leaving. She wanted to let her soul escape her, to let it fall upon his ears that she was still grieving, that she didn't know who she was anymore. Alas...she couldn't do it. After living a life that consisted of abuse, neglect, and coldness, Maija couldn't pull herself to the point of being that exposed.
The tiny piece of her was reclaimed and pushed behind her wall, made sure to keep quiet as she kept her icy gaze locked on his. "What good would it do, to tell a complete stranger about my reasons for being here?" The wall was up, but that didn't mean it was made of permanent stone. Her ears remained flat on her crown as she tore her gaze from him, padded towards the edge of the walkway, and looked out at the stretch of ocean that she saw. "It is not as if anyone would understand, would be able to relate or comprehend the damage that has been done." She let him see a bit of what she was thinking and immediately regretted it. Weakness was definitely one of her biggest pet peeves, especially about herself, and she hoped that it wouldn't be her downfall in the end.
The golden-furred she-wolf turned and looked back to him over her shoulder. Her leaf green gaze was still stony, but glinted from the light that surrounded them from the ice. "It really does depend on what is behind the sight in the first place." She shortly snorted and reclined to her haunches. "As for you...I don't see how you can say anything when you were up here in the first place."

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