
Adventure is out there!



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
12-28-2020, 10:15 AM
Tamsyn chuckled as he bolted off in the direction of Firefly Lake, grinning and giving a little shake of her head at his never ending energy. Oh if only she had half of that energy so she could actually keep up with her little fur balls... "Okay, okay!" she called back with a laugh when he insisted that she keep up and she picked up her pace a bit to follow after him at an easy trot. It was okay if he got ahead of her a bit as long as he was still within her line of sight. After all, he was getting bigger by the day and sooner rather than later he'd be out exploring on his own. He might as well get a taste of it eventually. She never rushed him, letting him take his time to investigate every inch of their path as they went. She had been through here several times before so none of it was completely new to her. That let her focus all her attention on her blueberry boy and enjoy watching his amazement and joy while he discovered the world around him.

Once they passed through the thick grasses that surrounded the lake and blocked it off from view from the outside world, she slowed to a stop beside Artorias while he took in the new plant life and bugs that he may have not seen before. She knew the cattails at least would be new to him since that's not something that grew around the falls or the hot springs, but perhaps a dragonfly or two might have shown up around the river. "This is Firefly Lake," she replied to his question, turning her gaze to glance out over the open water. It was a pretty large lake, but she could still see to the other side fairly easily during the light of day. She grinned and added, "There's a very special reason for it's name, but we'll have to stay till it gets dark so you can find out!"

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