
Angel like you




4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
12-28-2020, 10:39 AM
Iroh wasn’t sure if he should pinch himself or not, living with Elise was everything he’d ever dreamed it would be. Waking up to her beautiful blue eyes every morning, getting to hold her until they fell asleep at night. Introducing her to the quirks and legends that Aerie held so close. When Elise asked to take a trip before the winter set in Iroh wasn’t about to deny her. He tried to stay out of her way, but didn’t miss when Sarabi and his teapot went missing. Sensing something was up he tried to keep his nose to himself until the moment they left.

The Abraxas man teased her lightly as they went, but he could see her excitement building and it only made his heart beat faster. They were shoulder to shoulder until the very last bit where Elise raced forward to present her surprise. Iroh trotted forward but was stunned to a stop when his blue and lavender eyes beheld the sight she’d prepared. He blinked back both surprise and joy, nearly overwhelmed at what she created for them.

He couldn’t have hid his smile if he tried, and the grin took over his features as he shuffled forward to close the distance between them again. Everything was prepared perfectly, they could have tea and dinner, and enjoy some time alone together. If he hadn’t been sure before he certainly was now, he loved this woman. Iroh was astounded by her work, but he couldn’t help his attention as he focused on her. Nothing could compare to Elise.

”I’m speechless, everything looks so perfect.” His words were a whisper as he nuzzled against her ear and shifted slightly to give her cheek a kiss. Already Sarabi was working on lighting the fire, and the tea would be ready to drink soon. He shook his head incredulously, hardly believing she’d done all of this for him. ”Have I mentioned recently how much you amaze me?” Iroh chuckled softly, only barely holding himself back from grabbing hold of her right that moment.
Where My Demons Hide