
Angel like you




5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
12-28-2020, 11:14 AM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2020, 07:39 PM by Elise.)
The look on Iroh's face when he saw what she had prepared made every little bit of work she had put into the surprise absolutely more than worth it. It made her grin even wider and her tail wag more excitedly to know that it had all paid off and she had actually managed to surprise him. She knew that there were some pretty obvious things that would tip him off - like Sarabi's absence and the disappearance of his tea pot - but for the most part she thought she had been pretty subtle about things so at the very least her plan to make it a surprise was a success. Her heart gave a now familiar flutter in her chest as he came toward her to nuzzle against her ear, a grin crossing her features when he told her that everything looked perfect. "I'm so glad you like it. I wanted to do something for you... for us. A little get away where it all started." It was sappy and certainly played into her love of romance, but it was the truth.

She chuckled as well when he asked about if he had mentioned how she amazed him and she lifted her head to give him a light kiss in response. "You might have mentioned that a few times," she replied with a teasing wink before turning to walk over to where their tent for the night was set up, her tail brushing his shoulder and chest temptingly as she went. It was no secret that they couldn't keep their paws off of each other in their usually daily lives so she had to assume that there would be no exception made on tonight of all nights. It was late in the afternoon by this point, but there was still perhaps a couple of hours before darkness really set in and the stars would be out to play. She settled down inside the tent that was lined with a fur that she had snuck away from the pile they usually. slept on. It wouldn't be nearly as plush as the bed they usually slept on, but it was certainly better than the times they had slept out under the stars during their chance meetings before they began to live together.

Once Iroh had joined her, she leaned into his larger frame and settled into his side comfortably while nuzzling into the fur on his neck. Being with him and enjoying his touch had quickly become a warm, familiar feeling for her, but that never stopped the flutter and excitement that would almost always immediately stir in her stomach. He affected her like no one else and even though she knew their relationship was still fairly new in the grand scheme of life, she still hoped that this electric feeling would never fade. With a smirk on her lips she brought her muzzle up to his ear, giving it a teasing lick as she whispered, "There might be more surprises waiting for you after dinner."

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