
Large Pile of Sand



10 Years
09-11-2013, 06:23 AM

Odette observed his facial expressions as he spoke. It may not have been a straight forward thing she did, but as she was rummaging in the sand for her personal stash of treasures, she kept track of how he looked at the certain things she said. For one, he didn't seem too keen on how she spoke of her parents' love. It was as if something about it was unfamiliar to him. She wondered why, but knew it would be rude to ask without an open invitation.
Another assessment she made about Baskilisk was how he kept maintaining his distance from her and the pile of sand she had claimed. Odette didn't really see why he did that. The other wolves she had played with before hadn't hesitated to try and take over her castle. One of those wolves in particular was her sister, Oracle. A flashback of her big, black dragon of a sister popped into her mind and she quickly shook her head. Too scary, especially this early in the morning. She hoped that after talking to him more, he wouldn't be scared to get closer. For some reason, she wanted him to. If only she knew how she would possibly be thinking of him in the future.
Once the dark purple brute revealed his title, she stopped and looked up at him. Leaning her head to the side, she blinked and then looked up to the sky above them. It appeared like she was mulling over how his name sounded and after a few seconds, she voiced, "BaaaaaSK-il-iiiisk." Odette played with it in her mouth before she tried again. "Bassskilisssk." Her smart brain kicked in and she let a proud grin appear on her face. "It has a snake sound to it..I like it!"
She resumed to digging in the dirt around the large male, intending to find another piece to add to her collection. He then proceeded to tell her that he still doubted her decision as to why she chose him to protect her kingdom. It wasn't in so many words, but the message was clear to her. Odette's bi-colored eyes looked up to him again, her mission temporarily pushed out of her mind. When her gaze met his violet opts, she didn't back down from their gentle fierceness. In a serious voice, Odette replied.
"Because, I don't know, there is something about you." She contemplated for another second before speaking in the same tone. "I can't explain it, but, you seem to have something I haven't seen in other people I have met. It isn't anything scary - not to me - so I know it can't hurt me if I don't let it." The part of Ocena that lived inside of Odette was obvious as she looked at Baskilisk in a light others probably hadn't seen him before. This light was unknown to Odette, but it was happening all the same.
The pup wanted to ask him the same question: if he trusted her. But, she knew that since they had just met, it wouldn't be ethical to conclude her answer with another question for his own inquiry. So, she slowly reclined to her haunches and waited to see what his response was before she did anything else. Serious matters came before treasure hunting.

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