
Angel like you




5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
12-29-2020, 01:01 AM
She grinned and giggled at the interest he showed at the tempting promise of what would come later in the night and her tail brushed against the ground behind her. Perhaps that was the benefit they had from building their relationship off a natural physical chemistry - they were almost always eager to be all over each other and not just when they had a special evening laid out ahead of them. Iroh had a way of balancing her wild side and the slowly building domestic side of her seemingly without trying. He kept her more than satisfied which wasn't an easy task given the fact that she had become quite the temptress by the time they met each other. He gave her a stable home while still somehow giving her enough freedom to not feel smothered. All in all she felt like she had gotten incredibly lucky with who she had fallen in love with.

When he mentioned how he felt bad for not having anything for her she smirked pressed her nose to his cheek. "Oh I'm sure you'll find a way to make it up to me," she assured him. "Besides, this is all a thank you for being so wonderful to me." She was quickly beginning to realize that spoiling him was one of her favorite things, whether it was physically or with more grand gestures like this. As long as he treated her well she would be more than happy to return that to him ten fold. The berry he held up for her was met with a grin and let her sapphire eyes linger on his as she leaned forward to take it from him. She was savoring and tempting in her movements, letting her tongue lap up the berry from his claws with a pleased hum. Perhaps she was laying it on even more thick than usual, but tonight was a special night, wasn't it? A celebration of them and their time together for no other real reason than to enjoy each other as much as possible.

At that moment Sarabi approached them with the tea that had been being prepared in the background while they were too distracted with each other to notice. Once it was laid out in front of them and bowls of tea were poured, Sarabi left them and Elise watched Iroh's companion leave with a thankful smile. She had thought to warn her ahead of time what the intentions for this evening were so she wasn't at all surprised that she took her leave as soon as all the pieces were prepared and set. Turning her attention back to Iroh, she grinned and nuzzled into his neck while they waited for their tea to cool a bit. There was something else she wanted to talk about during their evening together, but hadn't decided if she was going to ask him about it before or after all their activities. Since there was some time to kill... "So, Iroh..." She let one of her ivory paws gently trace absentmindedly over his foreleg that was closest to her as she spoke, her gaze watching him curiously. "What's you're thoughts on a... a family? A family for us, I mean." With winter just around the corner and their opportunity to start their family coming with it she felt like it was something they should discuss sooner rather than later. She didn't know what he'd want - if he wanted to try this year or the next or if he wasn't interested in that sort of thing at all so it was certainly worth asking about.

Walk | "Talk" | think